Pierre Orfinger full cv

Born the 6 October 1943, married to Anna de Ruiter, pharmacist, 2 children Fabian (39) and Cordelia (42)

Address: Schaveyslaan 34, 1650 BEERSEL

mobile: +32 471 549 355   tel: +32 2 3804036

Education – First job


1968-1971 : Chemical Industry : Engineer process & service  for PRAYON & Catalyst Chemical Europe


 DutchGood understanding and reading

System & Network

Operating system

IBM MVS(DOS)-VAX-Windows 2003-2008+Windows client, UNIX(Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, various LINUX)
Systems toolsDOS, MS DOS,shell, perl, python, all standard UNIX system & utilities tools
Protocols / Sécurityhttps, VPN, http, ftp ssh, scp, …
NetworkSDLC, HDLC, OSI, udp, tcp, Ethernet
Dévelopment , Maintenance & Operation
Programming LanguageJAVA (J2EE, JDBC, JSP, Hybernate) C#, VisualBasic, C/C++, PL1, Cobol, Fortran, Assembleur, C, RPG, ADA, Javascript, VBScript, PHP 
Development frameworkSGML,XML et outils (Omnimark, , Ektron, , XMLSpy, Adobe), Eclipse, Zend studio+Platform, SOA, .Net(Visual Studio 2005/2008, C#)
Project managementIEF, DSDM, Prince2
Team tools, versioningWinCVS, Subversion , Visual Source Safe ,Version Manage, ..r
Unit testJUnit
Data Base
Data ModelUML (Rational – IBM)
ServerLivelink Collection Server,  DB2, Adabas, MS/SQL,MySQL,Tamino (XML)
Web development environmentCGI, CORBA, ASP, JSP, AJAX
Presentation Web,CMS Tridion, Adobe suite, Cold Fusion, ASP, JSP, FileNet, Drupal, SPIP, LiveLink(LCS), Magnolia
Servers WebNetscape, IIS, Apache
Application serverTomcat , WebSphere


2009-nowDevelopment  under  Drupal (WEB CMS LAMP environment)
 Development of various multilingual WEB content and electronic commerce sites under Drupal. Analysis & conversion of site Euractiv.com towards Drupal
Sites for distribution bio  products by local communities:

Some sites references :

Media: http://www.euractiv.com, http://jobs.euractiv.com, http://pr.euractiv.com

Sustainable development: http://everydaystories.be

Design: http://dotinfographics.eu

ONG:  http://www.adolphe-nysenholc.be

Various: http://port-a-la-duc.fr ; http://sos-mosuka.org

I have a professional support contract with acquia and I maintain and optimize operation on technical on of of various systems and drupal  under Unix & Windows environments..

Last training/development : Drupal 8 & Symphony 2, Fully responsive complex sites


2008-2009Development  of the web site for Belgian Government Economic Authority  (mineco.fgov.be)
 Project: Use of Tridion + Java/JSP( Websphere)
Missions :

Implement 3 new web sites in the fgov IT environment (Fedict department) for the Belgian Economic Affairs ministery(fodeco)

Environment :

Current platform using Tridion, Websphere, Apache-Lucene


2008Dbidees for Bureau Economique de la Province de Namur(BEP)
 Project: Use of ASP. Net 2.0 + XML (Tamino)
Missions :

Develop and launch the intranet and internet WEB support system for managing new enterprise project related to European funds

Environment :

Current platform using Tridion, Tamino and a ASP + .Net 1.0 and 2.0 platforms


1999 to 2008Technical director of EurActiv.com
 Project: Use of local “CMS  Netagora of DBScape “  convert in 2004 towards an integrated XML system (TRIDION[Windows] + Apache/Tomcat /Tamino[Linux-Java]) + LAMP.
Missions :

One of the Founder of the startup company and decision maker of technical solutions and current platform

EurActiv (www.euractiv.com) is an media online trilingual (english, french, german) on European affairs

Environment :

Current platform development and operation in 2004 with a 100% XML management system composed of :

  • Editorial: Tridion system(under Windows customized tio support complex XML document)
  • Dissemination : JAVA system (Tomcat, servlet+JSP) using an XML db, Tamino from Software AG, for the publication site on LINUX

Including also LAMP systems for non CMS services (phpadserver and job site).

Platform & website use an modern architecture using  various layers and WEB 2.0 (XML, XSL, XPATH+XQUERY, CSS, Javascript, AJAX). 

In 2009 due to Software AG politic around Tamino all sites were convert to Drupal 6 and are now in  Drupal 7 and  Wordpress .




Year : 2007Senior Consultant/ Bytes & Com
 Project : Thalys

Consultant , company specialized in open source portal and mobile

Missions :

Mission: Project management and coaching of development team in LAMP environment, review architecture of site & services intranet, define new strategy for services and mobile applications.

Environment :
  • LAMP
  • JAVA : eclipse + mobile platform



2001Independent consultant/ Getronics
 Project : development of DMS(Document Mgt.System) for UCB  integrated with Filenet
Missions :

Installed a new file management system for the drug registration files based on :

  • Livelink Collection Server (called previously BASIS+)  for content management with a multilingual thesaurus (taxonomy) system
  • Filenet for storage and retrieval of image documents

Convert & import of existing document from the old in house system

Environment : 

First VMS then migrate towards HP-UX + Windows client.


1995 to 1997Independent consultant/ Infotechnique.
 Project : EUDOR , client OPOCE(Office de Publication de la CE), and subcontractor of  Infotechnic in Luxembourg
Missions :

Online consultation and order of official EEC documents.

Order system developed in 1995-1996

Internet portal allowing end 1995 lonline order in 9 languages including Greek (for documents and interface) of all CEE publications.

IN 1996 this system has allowed to extend this service initially limited to subscribers by implementation of online payment facilities.

Environment :

SUN Solaris with Livelink Collection Server(LCS) + Oracle.

The database followed the SGML technology with indexing following the EUROPA-3 standards(Latin languages + Greek).

The image documents were stored on optical disk and indexed in an Oracle databases.


1991- 2014 senior consultant for Open Text / Collection Server (Basis) Belgium/Luxembourg
 Project : Local Support Belgium - Luxemburg of Livelink Collection Server system(previously called BASISplus)  for the Open Text company.
Missions : 

First line Support for clients : Bistel (Service du Premier Ministre), Ministère des Finances, CCF, Vlaamse Gewest, VRT, Agfa Gevaert, SMALS, UCB, CCE, BNP.

Participation (Project manager & consultant) of  various projects.

Environment :

On all existing environment , from mainframe (VM/CMS & CICS), VMS, UNIX (Solaris, AIX, HP-UX) and various platforms : terminal (VT), client-server (client windows with middleware en VB + protocol RPC) and 3 tiers (HTML with «  Web server Gateway  » + RPC protocol followed by an J2EE/JSP environment with a middleware “Webtop” using a  jdbc driver).


1986-1988 Intersys/ CIG/CSC
 Project : Project manager of mainframe conversion IBM (DOS => MVS), some clients : PS, Winterthur, Euroclear, Bloemenveiling Alsmeer, Petrofina Italia
Missions :

Switch of a site in one week-end from IBM/DOS to MVS with a complete new automated operational environment.

Average time frame of a project was 6 month with a multidisciplinary team (OS/operational including myself , Assembler specialist, COBOL, PL1, RPG, …)

Environment :

Specific tools developed by French company SLIGOS for analysing current system, and defining conversion path with automation of production environment.


1986 - 1991Intersys/ CIG/CSC
 Project : Project director of the Data/Document Management department
Missions : 

In charge of all project related to database and document management

Environment :

VMS, Mainframe IBM, first PC


1983-1985 Project  manager/ Intersys
 Project : BISTEL project starting officially in 1984 but first operations of «  belgadoc  » in 1983
Missions :

Project manager of Bistel for the Belgian Prime minister , the main services were :

  • Belgadoc : management of dissemination of Belga newswire.
  • Interministerial office and document management for the files and agenda follow-up related to the weekly government council.
Environment :

VAX/VMS + Teletext + PC clients


1983-1985 Project manager/ Intersys
 Project : Iréne project for the European Commission– FEOGA : Management  of files related to fraud related to PAC (Politique Agricole Communautaire).
Missions :

Form analysis of needs to development and production of the system.  

Environment :

Document Management System  BASIS K and  Amdahl platforms (VM/CMS).


1982ROSSEL : Project Manager 
 Project : development of a subscription system and taking back of there management from the post office
Missions :

In charge of the project 

Environment :



years : 1975-1982MONSANTO

support operating company, system operation, project manager


 Responsibilities : IT manager & senior consultant
Missions :

1975-1980 : in charge of all IT development for the Chemical and Petrochemical company partially done by the IT department , some develop internally (marketing and knowledge management).

1981-1982 : senior consultant in the IT department responsible of marketing and knowledge management systems.

Environment : OS/VS1 and then first MVS site in Belgium + CICS,VSAM,SQL/DB

1972-1975 Project manager / CAP-GEMINI Belgium.
 Project : Development management and financial system for the Post Office , system of HR management for UCO(Gent), development of stock management (DOW Chemicals)
Missions :

Project manager of analyst and programmer team from 5 to 25 persons

Environment :

Siemens BS 1000/2000 , IBM DOS


1969-1972 Process engeneer in chemical industry
 Prayon : process engeneer - start new plant worlwide

Catalyst chemical Europe :

1) process engeneer - use of computer to design and quote new installations

2) Manufacturing director